Goodbye, Tulips!

Tulip season has come and gone again here in the Pacific Northwest, and while I didn’t make it to the tulip fields this year I thought I’d share some new images from past seasons.

Oh, it’s not that I didn’t have every intention of getting out there. This year, last year, same story – just so darned busy! “Retirement”, if you want to call it that, was supposed to give me more free time, so why is it I seem to have less? It’s a common complaint, I’ve heard, but with me it’s not just about finding time to play golf every day (I don’t). Next week I’ll explain, and I think you might be surprised at what I’ve been up to lately.

Anyway, enough about me. Back to the tulips. Every year the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is held in Northwest Washington State just over an hour north of Seattle via I-5. It’s actually very close to Seattle as compared to other popular attractions in western Washington, and that’s probably one reason it’s so popular with the locals.

Overachiever, RoozenGaarde tulip farm, Mt. Vernon, Washington

Brightly colored tulips dominate the landscape each spring at the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, near Mount Vernon, Washington.

Tulips, and just before them the daffodils, are a sure sign that spring has arrived, and they can be particularly refreshing after a long, wet, cold winter. This winter wasn’t that bad, but it’s still nice to be greeted by the beauty of spring. And beautiful they certainly are.

So every year after the La Conner Daffodil Festival takes place in March, the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is held in the same area in April. The fields are located west of I-5 between the towns of Mt. Vernon and La Conner, Washington. This scenic area lies between the Cascade Mountain range to the east and the San Juan Islands to the west, both popular recreation areas for alpine and maritime sports, respectively.

A useful feature provided to visitors is the RoozenGaarde® Bloom Map which shows you what to expect and where to find the fields in bloom before setting off on your trip. If you check it now you’ll see that the flowers are long gone, but check back next spring and you’ll see it all lit up with color!

Spring came early again this year, and it seems to be a trend that will be with us for a while. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the festivals start earlier in future years. No, I don’t have any inside information, but remember, if it comes true, you heard it here first!

So please enjoy these images from the 2011 tulip season, and enjoy the rest of spring!

Tulip Farm, Mt. Vernon, Washington

A variety of tulips bloom beneath the Cascades Mountains, near Mt. Vernon, Washington.

Tulips in Late Afternoon, RoozenGaarde Tulip Farm, Mt. Vernon, Washington

Tulips glow in the warm light of late afternoon, at the RoozenGaarde Tulip Farm, Mt. Vernon, Washington.

Pink Tulips, Mt. Vernon, Washington

A field of pink tulips glow as the sun sets over Skagit Valley, near Mt. Vernon, Washington.

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